
Find Out Who Betrayed Rick And Tipped Off Negan In ‘The Walking Dead’

This week’s episode of The Walking Dead was filled to the brim with different storylines. We finally got to go back to Oceanside, learned that Gregory had never even killed a walker before and also discovered Eugene’s real reason for siding with Negan.

However, there was one more big reveal during Episode 15, when Negan told Sasha that “a little birdie” had made him aware of Rick’s plans and that he was preparing to head to Alexandria the very next day. But what Negan didn’t tell Sasha, was who exactly that little birdie was, and while there are obviously suspects, sometimes it can be the one we least suspect. With that said here’s a list of the people who probably tipped off Negan in Episode 15:


Is Jadis actually Judas? [Credit: Gene Page/AMC]

Sure, the Scavengers leader may have made a deal with Rick (which he is working hard to honor), but as we know from Eugene, people can be quick to change their minds. Not to mention that her name is extremely close to perhaps the most famous traitor of all time, Judas.

The idea that Jadis was Negan’s informant also makes sense when you revisit the first time she was introduced. Initially she refused Rick’s offer to join forces, but after hearing how many supplies the group had (“they have things — food, weapons, vehicles, fuel. Whatever you want, the Saviors have it.”), she reluctantly agreed to help Rick in return for some of the haul recovered from the Saviors. However, perhaps Jadis believed there was a way to get some Negan’s supplies without fighting, by going directly to the man himself and offering him information and support

In fact we should have realized that Jadis would be bad news for Rick and Co. when she chose to seal their deal to work together by shaking left hands instead of the correct hand to shake with, the right. Sure, Rick had blood all over his right hand, but I can’t help but feel this was a subtle yet significant move from the writers to symbolize what was to come.


 [Credit: Gene Page/AMC]
[Credit: Gene Page/AMC]

While Jadis seems the most likely culprit for Negan’s “little birdie,” we can’t ignore the fact that Gregory is also a possibility. Sure, Maggie earned some respect from Gregory when she saved him from a walker during Episode 15, but given that he’s such a slimy bastard there’s simply no telling what he might do.

Although we saw that Gregory was still back at Hilltop after Negan was supposedly told about Rick’s plan, that could also be the writers trying to trick us with multiple timelines. And in that scene we did see that Gregory was planning an overnight trip somewhere with Kal.

However, in all likelihood the trip Gregory is planning is probably to speak with Simon, who is based at one of Negan’s outposts. This especially makes sense given that we saw Simon give Gregory directions and guarantee of safe passage to his base in Episode 14. So while Gregory is a possibility as Negan’s “little birdie,” he’s far from the prime suspect.


[Credit: Gene Page/AMC]
[Credit: Gene Page/AMC]

It seems very unlikely that Ezekiel was the one to run to Negan, but when people are worried about their life they’ll do anything to try and guarantee their survival. Ezekiel hasn’t been the biggest fan of going to war against the Big Bad, so it could be possible that he decided to try and build a tighter alliance with the Saviors than go to war with them.

Overall it doesn’t seem as likely that Ezekiel was the traitor compared to Jadis or Gregory, especially after the recent death of Benjamin (and Richard), but hey, we’ve been surprised before!